This page is more or less a collection of my creative works. It is just that, a collection, and most of this stuff is probably published elsewhere. So why the page? As I'm on my journey to become a game designer, I figured it'd be neat to have one place where I can point people to if they want to see my previous works. That makes Tiny Universes, more or less, a portfolio. Oh and with a blog actually which is what the articles section is about - more or less.
PS. if you figure out where the page title is stolen from, I'll give you a cookie as a reward for knowing good music.
Some thoughts to share, annoyed by my writings, interested in working with me on some project? Drop me email. How? Take the page address ( and replace first dot with @.
02.01.2011 - New article
22.11.2010 - Two reviews in a month, wow!
13.11.2010 - Oh look, it's another review
17.10.2010 - One more review
04.10.2010 - New article
12.07.2010 - And another
02.05.2010 - Another game review added
06.04.2010 - Two game reviews added in Articles
01.10.2009 - Descent Mod rules and design diary part 1 in Game Design
30.09.2009 - Three new reviews in Articles
28.06.2009 - New game review in Articles